What is the Role of a Metal Roofing Contractor?

A metal roofing contractor standing on top of a roof.

For those contemplating a vocation in the trades or contracting realm, the profession of a metal roofing contractor is an excellent choice.

This position entails working in a flourishing sector, embodying the cutting-edge in architectural innovation, eco-friendly products, advanced materials, and trailblazing solutions.

In essence, the job of a metal roofing contractor provides a plethora of distinct advantages and prospects, ranging from diverse daily tasks to job stability and competitive remuneration.

Therefore, if this field piques your interest, continue reading. Our group of metal roofing contractors has provided advice for those contemplating entering the roofing industry, including the perks of the job, average salary prospects, and necessary qualifications.

What Exactly is a Metal Roofing Contractor and What Do They Do?

Roofing contractors are among the most prevalent types of tradespeople. As implied by their title, their expertise lies in the provision, installation, maintenance, repair, and replacement of roofs.

In the context of metal roofing contractors, their services are specifically geared towards metal roofs.

Metal roofing contractors possess the necessary skills to handle a broad range of metal roof types – such as zinc, copper, aluminium, and steel – while accommodating the unique needs of all types of properties, including residential, commercial, and industrial structures.

What are the Typical Daily Duties of a Metal Roofing Contractor?

One of the most appealing aspects of being a metal roofing contractor is the diversity of each day.

Your daily schedule will fluctuate significantly, encompassing everything from the material you are handling, to your work location, the roof’s structure, and the specific demands of your client. Thus, if you enjoy practical work and thrive on unpredictability, this profession is an excellent match!

However, generally, the standard duties of a metal roofing contractor’s role encompass:

  • Fixing metal roofs
  • Installations
  • Repairs and replacements
  • Evaluations
  • Consultations
  • Client interactions and providing advice
  • Roof design
  • Project planning
  • Site preparation
  • Utilising specialist equipment
  • Performing risk assessments
  • Collaborating with clients on custom projects
  • Staying updated on the latest metal roofing materials and methods

What are the Advantages of Being a Metal Roofing Contractor?

Choosing a career in roofing offers a multitude of excellent benefits. Moreover, the specific perks of being a metal roofer include being at the industry’s cutting edge, specialising in innovative techniques and state-of-the-art sustainable materials.

The advantages of pursuing a career as a metal roofing contractor include:

  • Employment stability – being an integral part of construction and requiring consistent upkeep, the demand for metal roofers is constant. This ensures a high degree of job stability.
  • A rising preference for the material – opting to be a metal roofer means specialising in a material that is in high demand. Metal roofs are gaining popularity due to their striking appearance, sustainability, durability, and minimal maintenance needs. This popularity is projected to persist.
  • Advocating sustainable methods – if you value sustainability, being a metal roofing contractor can offer immense job satisfaction.
  • A competitive remuneration – metal roofers can expect a competitive pay scale, which generally increases with experience and expertise.
  • Variety in daily tasks – each day brings something new, ensuring the job remains engaging. This includes working on diverse projects, sites, materials, and interacting with various individuals.
  • Ongoing learning – with constant advancements in technology and methods, being a metal roofer offers the chance to continually learn and enhance your skills.
  • Creativity, innovation, and problem-solving – metal roofers work closely with clients, often crafting customised solutions for their specific property needs. This allows for creativity and problem-solving, making the job suitable for those who enjoy these aspects.

What educational prerequisites are needed to become a metal roofing contractor?

There are several career paths or qualifications you could consider to become a metal roofer.

Here, we have outlined some of the most common ways to become a metal roofing contractor:

  • A Level 2 Diploma in Roofing Occupations college course
  • A Level 2 Diploma in Roof Slating and Tiling college course
  • An intermediate apprenticeship in roofing
  • On-the-job training as a roofing labourer

Career opportunities at Zinc & Copper Works

If you are interested in learning more about being a metal roofer, or exploring career opportunities at Zinc & Copper Works, our approachable team is available to assist you.